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What is engagement marketing? Why every business needs it...

Updated: Nov 13, 2018

Engagement marketing is a strategy to engage live participation with brands.

Be a DJ for the night!

Consumer engagement is nothing new to large market players like Coke or Pepsi - remember the Pepsi Challenge? Pepsi engaged their direct consumers and their competition by challenging the competition to literally step up to a challenge and compare their product side by side the competition's!

While you may not want to challenge competitors directly, engagement marketing is hedging above traditional marketing like print, direct mail, television and even social media.,

By allowing consumers to have a direct experience with your brand, you strengthen their connection in a kinetic way. Try something out of the ordinary - if your business is a night club and normally has DJ's on staff - try allowing attendees to be the DJ for a night! Promotions like this give your normal everyday business a fresh edge, a new reason to promote and best of all the opportunity to engage!

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