We all know that eyes are the window to the soul. The light that shines through our eyes reveals our unique genius, natural gifts, greatest strength and deepest capacity. Learn to read a person’s eyes and see their soul: reveal their life purpose and quickest access to ease, joy and fulfillment.
There are 7 Talents in ThriveTypes archetypes (Talents, Lessons, Motivation, Communication, Decision-Making, Defense, etc.). The most important trait of ThriveTypes is a person's Talents. Laureli will describe all 7 Talents, their great contributions and lessons, and share how she sees them in eyes.
Recognizing and reflecting a person’s 3 Talents has them feel deeply seen, prompts spiritual growth and empowers big leaps along career path and relationships.
Laureli will share about all the ThriveTypes and take a deep dive into the 7 Talents, their gifts and lessons plus provide many tips and handouts on how to recognize them in people. We all subconsciously already “read” each other’s eyes – learn to do so with conscious awareness and make a big impact!
ThriveTypes are useful for tuning your career path, finding compatible romantic partners, recognizing and achieving your soul or life purpose, growing spiritually, and much more.
Much more info about ThriveTypes is at www.ThriveTypes.com along with Laureli's 2016 book on the 7 Talents, The Sweet Spot: Leveraging Your Talents in Leadership and Life.
Saturday, April 20, 1-5pm, $45
East West Bookshop, 6407 12th Avenue Northeast, Seattle, WA, 98115
On Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/events/564629027371860/