Join Laureli Shimayo for one longer Circle on Wednesday evening in Seattle.
AR is about what is real and now. It's about what you are feeling and experiencing in your bodily felt sense. It's about your actual thoughts and emotions in the moment, whether they be scared, joyful, sad, etc. It's about the nature of connectedness when you look into the eyes of another being. Authentic Relating is a growing movement with communities around the globe gathering to connect and enrich our human experience. The two most common AR activities are Transformational Games & Circling. ( &
CIRCLING is a way for us to practice presence in relationship with others. It is a group experience that leaves space for individual emotional expression, reflection and sharing of impact - where we are encouraged to follow our impulses, speak our truths, and explore relating with one another authentically in the present moment. The practice of circling allows us to slow down, bring our attention to our own felt experience, and share our inner worlds with one another, noticing what happens within us and what arises within the group as we do so. The intention is to connect from a place of curiosity and to strive for clarity as we bring awareness to what is implicit and make it explicit. The goal is not to change one another, but instead to be with what is, celebrating and honoring who and where we all are right now. As we circle, we practice breaking through the assumptions and projections we may have about each other to allow for deeper connection and greater understanding to emerge.
- Wednesday, April 10, 6:45-9pm
- Address: Sacred Embodiment Community, 9414 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle WA 98115
- Please arrive before 7pm to settle into the space so we can begin by 7:05am. We lock the doors at about 7:15am.
- We’ll go over agreements, introduce Circling and then do one longer Circle.
- We are an inclusive community. Experienced Circlers, newcomers to Authentic Relating, and adults and mature teens are welcome.
- Cost: Sliding scale $10-$30 to support our growing Authentic Seattle group and Sacred Embodiment Community. Cash, check or card accepted at the door. You are also welcome to pay ahead at (please mention that it is for Circling and which date).
This event is on Facebook at:
The event will be facilitated by Laureli Shimayo. Laureli has been leading Authentic Relating events for about 4 years with Authentic Portland and Authentic Seattle. To learn more about Laureli and her intuitive coaching practice, go to
We are a community that is unleashing our aliveness through self-expression, connection, and bearing witness to each other. We gather frequently for Games, Circling and socializing.
Additional Considerations:
- Please note that Authentic Relating events are not a therapeutic setting, and the facilitators are not there in the role of counselors. If you have needs that would best be served by a mental health professional, do not consider this practice as a substitute for such care.
- Games & Circling events can facilitate people making deep connections. Not everyone brings that connected experience with them after an event. Please remember to practice everyday politeness if you reach out to someone to connect socially after an event.
- If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask any of the Authentic Seattle Organizers or a Facilitator.