Join 4 powerful intuitives as they offer readings and healings in our Night of Messages.
Reset Your Energy Fields to Heal Dis-Ease
Is Your Energy Field Clear? Do You Feel Your Own Vibration?
Are you an empath?
Do you easily sort what’s yours from what belongs to someone else?
How well do you know and honor your own truth?
What inherited patterns are in your way?
How does this affect your health?
You are immensely powerful. Join us to cleanse, clear, feel, create filters and reclaim your health and wholeness.
Ask us questions, and we’ll share precious answers, readings and healings with you.
Karine Calhoun is an Energy Healer, Heart Therapist & Hypnotist,
Laureli Shimayo is an Intuitive Eye Reader & Body Psychology Coach,
Barbara Stott is a Tarot Reader, Energy Healer & Shamanic Journeyer,
Heather Mist is an Inner Magic Coach, Akashic Records Reader & Emotional Healer,
Bring photos of people you have questions about.
Share your feedback about our event this evening and get entered into a drawing for a free 30 minute session with one of us of your choice.
Join us on Friday February 22, 7-9:30pm at Unity of the Valley, 3912 Dillard Rd, Eugene
$10-30 sliding scale
[There is a small chance we'll have a surprise guest reader as well. Stay tuned.]
This event is on Facebook at:
Please visit for more information or contact Laureli Shimayo,, 720-352-2434
We will also be hosting a Metaphysical Empowerment & Wellness Fair on Saturday February 23, 12-8pm at Unity. This event is on Facebook at: